Magnetic Products Inc (MPI)
What We Do
Based in Metro-Detroit Michigan, Magnetic Products, Inc (MPI) designs, manufactures, and services magnets, material handling, and electronic inspection systems. MPI products are designed to be complete metal and foreign contamination control solutions for food production and related industries. Intell-I-Mag® is the revolutionary next step in magnetic separation innovation and factory automation. It’s the first intelligent magnet to self-monitor ferrous metal saturation in real-time and log system data. Intell-I-Mag monitors ferrous contamination of incoming ingredients, detects equipment malfunctions before scheduled cleanings, ensures fully saturated magnets are cleaned before metal events occur, reduces shutdowns for premature magnet cleaning, and ensures the separator is always working at peak performance, capturing weakly magnetic materials, such as work-hardened stainless steel.
Categories (10)
Cleaning and Sorting Equipment, Material Handling Equipment, Processing, Safety/ Health/ Security

Organization Employee List


Pneumatic Line Magnets
WAIVED FEE - Magnetic Separator Audit


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